Escena I. Fer Paisatge
La Col·lecció de l’IVAM
In February 2024, the IVAM turns 35 years old. For this reason, we are starting a series of exhibits that under the heading of Scenes from the IVAM Collection will show space-time combinations of our collections, in the form of assemblies that will allow us to know the multiple meanings of the works and documents that make up the IVAM collection. A scene is a moment in time, an articulation of different situations; a scene is constructed, transformed and disappears. This is how we understand the work with the IVAM collection, a work of construction, reconstruction and memory, with what is there and what is missing, in constant transformation. Along with other more global readings of the collection, in this case it would be about showing various threads of meaning based on specific works.
In the first presentation, under the title of Making landscape, and based on Pierced Spiral, 1973 by Robert Smithson, we work on the idea of the museum as a catalyst of a context and the idea of landscape as a construct that combines architecture, reflections about the lived landscape, ways of life and thinking; connecting to issues of space-time, architecture, archaeology, and memories of shared lives. This will include works by Manolo Millares, Darcy Lange, Cecilia Vicuña, Ludovica Carbotta, June Crespo, Helena Almeida, Àngels Ribé, Claudia Pagés, Rayanne Tabet, Miquel Navarro, Berta Cáccamo, Ángeles Marco, LUCE, Adolph Gottlieb, Nico Munuera, or Thao Nguyen Phao, among others.
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